viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Elvis y Anabelle, la película cursi favorita de Ulises Ramirez (:

Todavia no sale aqui en méxico y dudo que lo haga pero la estaba mirando de un torrent y es el chick flick hipster por exelencia

10159Me gust

Les paso una sinopsis en inglés

Elvis and Anabelle is the story of two young adults with completely different lifestyles and personalities who find themselves thrown together by a sort of twisted fate.  Anabelle (Blake Lively) is an over zealous beauty pageant contestant, the pride and joy of her small Texas town, who goes on to win the Miss Texas Rose competition only to promptly keel over onstage and die from results of an ongoing eating disorder created by her and mother's insane attempt to keep her looking thin and beautiful.  Anabelle's body ends up back home at "the only funeral home around for 50 miles" to be embalmed by the great mortician Charlie, only thing is Charlie hasn't been doing embalmings for years.  It's unknowingly to the rest of the town been his son Elvis (Max Minghella), whose mastered his father's profession after his mind became incapable of handling the job.

Elvis is a very quiet, pessimistic young man with a lot of built up anger due to some rather traumatic circumstances in his past that has resulted in him becoming responsible for his family's well being.  Still he treats his father with the utmost respect and it's clear he's the only person that means anything in his life.  When Anabelle's body shows up to be embalmed her sullen beauty overcomes him causing him to kiss her on the lips, an act that follows her suddenly regaining conscience.  Coincidence or miracle, Anabelle finds herself alive again, although her near death experience has brought with it a new outlook on life.  She finds herself no longer concerned with her prior endeavors, and the growing media attention and her mother's continual prodding to use it all to their advantage causes her to find refuge at Elvis's home where her second change at life began.

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